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¡Susan Sofía Sarmiento Ortiz, ganadora de la beca EGPP, Ewha Global Partnership Program, es hoy una egresada con sello CAS¡

Susan Sofía Sarmiento Ortiz, ganadora de la beca EGPP, Ewha Global Partnership Program, es hoy una egresada con sello CAS ¡

Hoy, Susan Sofía, hace parte del selecto grupo de estudiantes becados en Estudios Internacionales y fue parte de la promoción 2021 de nuestro colegio.

”La misión del CAS de formar líderes transformadores ciertamente contribuyó a lo que soy hoy. Los diversos retos que superé, el crecimiento personal y académico que logré y el impacto que dejaron los profesores que apoyaron e influyeron en mi educación, son sólo algunas de las muchas cosas que agradezco haber vivido en el CAS”

Ewha Womans University, es una universidad privada fundada en 1886 cerca del corazón de Seúl, Corea del Sur, es una universidad líder que ofrece un enfoque global de los problemas del mundo y la formación de líderes femeninas de talla mundial.

Deseamos los mejores éxitos a Susan, estamos seguros de que su paso por Ewah fortalecerá aún más sus capacidades y habilidades y la llevarán a seguir cumpliendo sus sueños.

Brief academic description

Throughout my life, being immersed in multicultural environments shaped my great desire to become a global citizen. It also led me to realize that in today’s rapidly changing and globalized world, having an international mindset and understanding of cultures is an elemental quality for a 21st-century professional. When the decisive moment of choosing my career path came, I knew that majoring in International Studies would equip me with the interdisciplinary skills and a well-informed international perspective required for global change.

After extensive research on universities that best fit the profile I was aiming for, I decided on Ewha Womans University. A private university founded in 1886 near the heart of Seoul, South Korea. Ewha is a leading university offering a global approach to world issues and the formation of world-class female leaders. I am honored to be a recipient of its EGPP (Ewha Global Partnership Program) scholarship, awarded to international applicants who demonstrate female leadership potential.

In addition to being the outcome of my diligence and hard work, this fully funded scholarship reflects the skills and experiences acquired during my time as a Colombo American School alumna. The diverse challenges I overcame, the personal and academic growth I achieved, and the impact left by the teachers who supported and influenced my education are only a few of the many things I am grateful to have lived at CAS. The school’s mission of forming transformative leaders certainly contributed to who I am today.

Susan Sofía Sarmiento


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