In the field of Computer Science, it is important to establish a solid foundation for our first and second-grade students in subjects such as computational and algorithmic thinking. With this goal in mind, it is our responsibility to develop strategies that help our young students understand the potential and significance of technology and its impact on society and the world.
The exploration of these themes is enhanced by their connection to the synthesis projects of each grade. Through constructive dialogue, teachers from all areas work together to design projects that engage students in activities based on real contexts, while also offering a forward-looking perspective that has great potential to make positive contributions to the present and near future.
In first grade, our students explored the concept of pollination from different angles, which had them actively participate, making them aware of the importance of this process for the sustainability of life on our planet. In the synthesis project, our contribution from Robotics aimed to simulate the movement of a bee (Bee Bot) on a map, with the goal of pollinating several flowers.
For second grade, we used Bee Bots as a tool to continue developing algorithmic thinking and mathematical reasoning by guiding the robot across a map to reach iconic sites in Bogotá.
Both experiences have been very rewarding for students, teachers, and parents, giving us a strong sense of responsibility for future projects. We will certainly approach these endeavors with great enthusiasm and continue to contribute actively to the academic and developmental processes of our students.