On Friday, October 25th, first graders had an amazing time sharing with their parents and other family members everything they learned and discovered in their project about pollinators, specifically: butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and ladybugs. They presented beautiful poems about these creatures in both Spanish and English. Additionally, students danced to “El Zum Zum de las Abejas” and sang a very special song called “La Risa del Colibrí.”
There were rotations where parents could appreciate games and robotics activities related to pollinators, as well as a large museum display featuring the main pollinators that were investigated. The kids presented all the information they learned about these amazing animals. There were writings from both Language Arts and Lenguaje, as well as drawings, paintings, sculptures, and much more. We learned and had a lot of fun!
“I liked the project because the parents came and saw the kids, and I liked to learn about pollinators because they are so interesting, and it is cool to learn about them because they have a lot of interesting facts, like the body parts that we didn’t know, and I enjoyed doing the crafts of them. My favorite part of the presentation was when we talked about the pollinators and the songs”.
-Mariana Del Valle, 1D
“Me pareció muy importante esta actividad porque, gracias a esto, los niños tienen un mayor contacto con la naturaleza. Isabella nos recuerda constantemente la importancia de cuidar y proteger a los polinizadores, esos pequeños héroes de la naturaleza que suelen pasar desapercibidos. Es así que, cada vez que viaja a la finca, nos enseña sobre las abejas, colibrís y mariposas, que son los polinizadores que hay allá, pues entiende su papel fundamental en la naturaleza”.
-Paola Quintero, tía de Isabella Rodríguez Quintero 1D y asistente al cierre del proyecto.